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Hi! I'm Nicola ~ 
a recovering high-achiever, travel enthusiast & a firm optimist.

3 years ago, I started thinking about what I *really* wanted to do with my life and what lifestyle I wanted to be living. This provided a true awakening that my reality was far away from that vision. Whilst I was successful on paper (with a corporate job, competitive salary, happy relationship and thriving personal life) I felt unfulfilled. Determined to fix the misalignment, I left my demanding corporate job, retrained as a Transformational Life Coach and took a bold leap towards creating a totally new path. 

Now, I work with high-achievers like you to find greater fulfilment and get you to where you need to be. 

 In 2019 I would have been considered stereotypically successful - working in a "9-5" with a gorgeous flat in London, climbing the corporate ladder and "living for the weekends". Work was very much "fine" and "busy" - sound familiar? 


Despite "having it all" I was itching for more. I didn't feel satisfied and lacked a sense of passion with the work I was doing. It got to a point where I couldn't keep avoiding the lack of purpose & fulfilment I felt. I realised I was living on auto-pilot and getting caught up in society's version of success. I was living life by "shoulds" and conforming to what I thought would provide me with unlimited happiness, but this wasn't cutting it for me. I knew I had to change something because I knew I was living below my potential. 


I got clear on what success meant to me, how I wanted to feel & the lifestyle I wanted to live - greater autonomy, more flexibility, unlimited growth potential and to create meaningful impact with my work. I wanted to help other high-achieving women break free from cycles and pathe new paths for themselves, whilst still achieving incredible success. I experienced the overwhelm, the self-doubt and the stress, of pivoting and breaking away from "the norm" - I wanted to help women do the same. 


I trained & qualified as a Fully Transformational Life Coach, invested in my own coach to support me through the transition (and have worked with many more since), joined a 6 month Business Mastermind for female entrepreneurs, committed to new daily practises to support & strengthen my mindset, and began to unlearn outdated beliefs. I faced a lot of fear - fear of judgement from friends, fear of failure, fear of no longer being "successful"...but because I was so clear on what I wanted, I embraced the fear & lent into it. 


 There are no limits on what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept in your own mind.

My experience has taught me that mindset is the one barrier that stops people going after their true desires, but that it's possible for anyone. I've learnt how to strengthen my mindset, create new empowering beliefs, move forwards with confidence and realise my goals. My mission is to empower you to do the same - to think differently & to reach more of your potential so that you can to find greater fulfilment and to start creating a life that's energising and inspiring.


High achieving shouldn't mean hustling, sacrificing or competing - it can mean designing a life that you want, creating success with ease and feeling full of purpose. 

If you're ready to begin creating a more fulfilling life, I'm SO ready to support you. 

One of the biggest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.

"In such a short space of time, the difference in me is tenfold. We started our sessions at the beginning of the pandemic and Nicola helped me manage my anxiety surrounding my job instability. I was introduced to different exercises to help develop areas of my personal and professional life in manageable stages, as well as tools to visualise the steps I wanted to take to achieve my goals. I would definitely recommend Nicola’s coaching services to anyone looking for positive & clear guidance with getting their compass pointed in the right direction!"

Gabriella Notter, BA Cabin Crew

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