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welcome to

The SCG Mastermind 

strategy // confidence // growth

the high touch, high impact mastermind for coaches & OSPs who are serious about paving the way for +6 figures in their business, with confidence & keeping freedom at the core. 

This is planning for +6 figure success with more sophisticated sales strategies, buyer psychology, empowering marketing techniques and confidently showing up online so that dream clients see you as the go-to expert they want to invest in. It's selling with ease & authenticity and uplevelling in all areas.

It’s strategy + confidence + ease + RESULTS in a personalized, high-ticket programme.
for you if you want to create a truly freedom-led business.
DM ME "MASTERMIND" for information

in just 3 months... 

You will learn the online growth strategies & mindset shifts required to go from inconsistent to in demand & fully booked. 

Elevate your positioning & online marketing to attract a steady stream of ready-to-buy clients, create high converting offers and flow-based launches and set up systems for FREEDOM in your business.


PLUS master the mindset hacks to social sell +$5,000 offers with confidence and make embodiment work a part of your strategy to achieve long-term, consistent growth.


It's time to take the guess-work out of scaling to six figures & beyond.

If this is what you're looking for, come join us on the inside!

+200 clients helped                 1:1 and group coaching                100's of clients signed

Picture this... 

// you've got a juicy 6-month pipeline of recurring revenue, meaning you don't need to sell anything if you didn't fancy it...

// you fill out your group programmes & SMASH your launch goals from a place of pure ease, joy and CONFIDENCE  - because you've found your way of launching that finally makes sense 

// picking up the bill, hopping in Ubers, paying for fast-track at the airport and last-minute upgrades are your reality, with zero financial concern

// your clients RAVE about you, they create INCREDIBLE results and are constantly referring you to friends

// your dreams of consistent +$10K / +$20K months are now your reality AND you've got more white space in your week than ever - growth, consistency & fulfilment in *every* part of your life

"The SCG Mastermind EXCEEDED my expectations. The support in slack was excellent, there were so many additional bonus trainings added & I now feel SO confident in my business & continued growth."
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Your roadmap to


We'll start off getting clear on YOUR freedom-based income & lifestyle goals, and then we'll design a plan to make it happen - with me by your side as you implement.

Understand the mindset behind a +$100,000 business - strategic longer-term thinking, powerful reprogramming and energetic work required to access more premium clients, higher revenue & global opportunities.

Build an offer suite thats SCALEABLE, supports client retention and makes thousands in passive sales.

Nail your social strategy, activating marketing techniques and FIRE content that leverages your personal brand AND your expertise to attract ready-to-move clients, consistently.


Master social selling & buyer psychology to convert every enquiry effortlessly. Step into the energy of ATTRACTION - no more "finding" clients, but leads coming to YOU feeling empowered.

Set up simple but highly effective systems so that sales can happen at anytime & anywhere, without you needing to be "on". Free up more time to do what you want (work or leisure), whilst your business keeps growing.

This forms the basis of what we'll cover across the 3 months of the SCG Mastermind

This is for you if: 

~ you can't see a clear path for how you'll get to +6 figures - it still feels FAR away, overwhelming and like A LOT of work.

~ despite FREEDOM being a core value, you spend most of your time at your desk, afraid to take time off in case you miss out on a sale. You're ready to change this & introduce simple systems to that allow sales to happen at any time and anywhere...without you needing to be on.


~ you're only getting high ticket sales every few weeks - there's no strategy for bringing in consistent leads *let alone how to covert them*. You're ready to master social selling to ATTRACT premium clients through your content who reach out and enquire organically.

>> you know you need a bespoke strategy and clear action plan based on YOUR lifestyle & business goals. No more guess-work or trying to figure it out solo.

>> you're EXCITED for expertise support from someone who's helped hundreds of others in your shoes

>> you want to build visibility with cross-platform marketing & drive higher volumes of qualified leads to your offers, for higher volumes of sales

>> you want to join an intimate group of like-minded female entrepreneurs, leverage the group energy to help you fast-track your growth and become evidence to your peers what's possible. 

What's included?
  • 3 months inside an incredible mastermind experience (a supportive community)

  • bi-weekly group calls made up of training AND group coaching

  • AND 1:1 calls booked on a demand basis (where we will dive into your strategy, growth plan and mindset blocks)

  • access to ALL pre-existing Mastermind trainings & bonuses

  • Extensive resources, templates & workbooks to use for life as you continue to scale

  • Unlimited group access to Nicola on Slack between calls

  • Unlimited content & project reviews, social media audits, DM sales strategies, client challenges etc (in depth feedback from me)

  • Bonus mindset training videos & embodiment practises to help you up level energetically AND financially

  • Guest expert trainings organised as per  requests

let's get you RESULTS like these:

1 // DM me "MASTERMIND" HERE & I'll share details on next steps

2 // if you're a good fit you'll be invited to join via a sign up link (and choose your preferred payment plan) 

// once paid, you'll start the on-boarding process where you'll complete an intake form, sign the contract & book in your first 1:1 call 

4 // you'll be added to the SCG Mastermind Slack community plus calendar invites to the first few group calls & trainings

5 // you'll get immediate access to the learning portal for all previous trainings, bonus videos & extra resources 

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This high touch, high-impact 3 month mastermind is a space where you are seen, heard, listened to & guided as you scale to +6 figures and beyond with strategy, blended with mindset & energy work that gets RESULTS. 

It's for the entrepreneur who is ready to elevate their social strategy, sell high ticket with confidence, build their reputation within their niche, set up processes for long term growth and create more freedom in their life at the same time. 

I pride myself in the level of support I give my clients, but I can't do the work for you to get the results. You'll thrive in this mastermind if you're an action-taker, self-motivated, ambitious and committed to reaching your potential.

"I have seen big transformations in my business, I have generated more revenue and hit a $6,500 goal last month. I've had the opportunity to work with more dream, aligned clients that are excited to work with me and the testimonials speak for themselves! Nicola has helped me master my sales strategy on discovery calls, amend my product suite so that I am not undervaluing my services whilst also supporting me towards living a location based freedom lifestyle. Nicola has been such an amazing support system, I don't know what I'd have done without her." Chloe, Parent & Child Coach
"This mastermind exceeded my expectations. I loved the hybrid group style trainings and the intimate 1-1 coaching. 

Thank you for helping me fall back in love with elements of my business. You held incredible space for me when I needed it most and made me feel so seen, heard and not alone. I feel more confident than ever, have a clearer direction of my business growth. If you are thinking of working with Nicola, I am here to tell you DO IT!" Lori, Mindset & Manifestation 
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"SCG has been SUCH an incredible experience. For me it was the fact that it was group AND 1:1 that caught my eye. I get the excitement, motivation, accountability and support from the others in the group, but I also get the chance to learn from Nicola in a super intentional, personal way through the 1:1. I launched and filled out my first group programme & learnt how to lead sales conversations with confidence, which made a huge difference with converting high ticket. Join. Seriously. Join." Hannah, Business Coach. 
Hi, I'm Nicola - growth strategist, sales confidence expert, freedom lifestyle advocate and your business & mindset coach.

I have 4 yrs experience helping women to grow & scale their businesses from  $2-3K months to +6 figures, from a place of confidence, ease & fulfilment. I believe we deserve to have a thriving business we love, and the financial abundance to have our dream freedom-based lifestyle.

With a background in Sales & Marketing, managing multi-million pound accounts, to now running a 6 fig. business, I help clients elevate their entire online growth strategy, introduce more sophisticated sales processes, achieve confidence with converting high ticket & confidently grow their dream business

in case you're wondering


how much 1:1 support do I get? 

we'll kick off with a 1:1 call when you start as a way to get the momentum building with INTENTION, plus to start mapping out your bespoke plan & actions that'll take you to your next level. From here, you can book up to 2 x 1:1 calls with me per month (all you need to do is submit a request to book, I'll get back to you and then you can book it in at a time that's mutually convenient).

how many people will be in the mastermind? 

a maximum of 8 ladies in total - this way it's intimate, you get my unwavered support, yet there's consistent group energy & accountability which is so key for motivation (plus these ladies are going to be an AMAZING source of networking, collaborations and knowledge sharing)

do I get access to the trainings & resources for life? 

OF COURSE. What you get with the mastermind, you get for life. 

are there payment plans? 

for sure - there are up to FIVE payment plan options, meaning monthly payments can be as low as $559 (if a 6 month payment plan would mean you can join, just message me and we can chat) 

when does it start? 

end of September 2023, once you're all signed up you'll be given exact dates for calls etc, but you'll join the Slack community & ALL the bonus resources / trainings straight away!

what time are the group calls

call times will be scheduled to best accommodate as many time zones as possible (in our current cohort we have ladies in Germany, Texas, Tenerife, Bali & the UK)!

how do I know if this will work for me? 

there is an application process for joining SCG. Only applicants that are right for the mastermind, that we KNOW we can help, will be accepted. Nicola has supported over 200 clients in growing their online business, using the strategies and processes shared within the mastermind. 

any other questions, please reach out via Instagram: @nicolacharlottecoaching


I KNOW that feeling of "I'm not sure it's right time" "what if I don't get the results" "I'll keep trying to figure it out on my own for a while longer..."

but it's this exact thinking that's causing the stagnancy, overwhelm and lack of butterfly-inducing sales. I wish I'd backed myself sooner, and trusted myself earlier to go ALL IN on my business...because whilst I was able to figure out things on my own, it took SO much longer, and was a much lonelier journey. 

The time I made my first "eeek this feels up-levelling" investment (into a high ticket mastermind) was also when I had my first 5 figure month (+$11,000)....and that's no coincidence. It was the combination of expertise guidance, proven strategies, transformative mindset + energy work all combined that gave me that incredible acceleration forward. 

You KNOW you're capable of achieving it too, and this is your invitation to make it YOUR time. 
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